British Columbia
Travel Directions
Travelling to BC and want some tips and tricks for getting here? Sure you can use Google to find what you want but we can offer a local’s insight. Check out the information we compiled and feel free to contact us if you have questions!
Victoria | Vancouver Island | Sooke | Tofino | Vancouver | Whistler

Directions to British Columbia
After you have made your decision to travel to BC, you need to know how to get here, and in this section, we have provided directions to all of the major destinations that we are currently servicing. You can choose from those locations by clicking the menu to the left. As part of the information in our directions section, we have also provided links and information on getting to BC and the areas of BC that we are currently servicing. Whether you would like to travel here by car, boat, or plane, you can find all the links, phone numbers and information you might require in our Directions section, conveniently separated into location specific pages. Currently these locations are Tofino | Vancouver | Vancouver Island | Sooke | Victoria | Whistler.
We are happy to provide as much information as possible and will be constantly updating and improving it. If there is something here that is not up to date or if there are further questions you might have, please feel free to contact us at your earliest convenience and we will be happy to assist you in discovering more about the amazingly beautiful Province of British Columbia.
If you would like more information about driving distances within British Columbia, there is a very useful distance calculator found at the BC Ministry of Transportation website. Keep in mind that this calculator uses road distance approximations only and does not take into account the time or distance travelled by ferries between locations you have chosen.

Have a property you’d like to list?
EMR Vacation Rentals is always looking for additional high quality properties to add to our inventory. Drop us a line, let’s chat about how we can help you!