British Columbia Weather in June: What to Expect & How to Prepare

June is a picturesque month to explore British Columbia, with the region experiencing some of its warmest weather of the year. During this time, you can expect delightful temperatures, extended daylight hours, and relatively less rainfall.

Late spring and early summer are ideal times to visit in terms of weather, allowing you to enjoy the scenic beauty of B.C. to the fullest. With the average temperatures hovering around 20°C (68°F), you can plan outdoor activities such as hiking, camping, and fishing without worrying about the weather conditions.

While coastal regions of British Columbia may experience precipitation throughout the year, June marks the beginning of a drier season. Although there may still be a few days of rain, the overall level of humidity is lower, allowing you to better soak up the sunny weather and natural splendors.

Average Temperature in June in British Columbia

June is a great month to visit British Columbia, with warm temperatures and longer days. The average temperature in June can vary depending on the region, but overall, British Columbia has a temperate climate that is generally mild and moderate. Here are some important facts and data about the average temperature in June in British Columbia:

  • The average high temperature in June ranges from 17 °C (63 °F) to 24 °C (75 °F) across different regions in British Columbia.
  • The coastal areas of British Columbia such as Vancouver, Victoria, Tofino, and Prince Rupert generally have more moderate temperatures with average highs around 19 °C (66 °F) to 22 °C (72 °F) in June.
  • The interior regions of British Columbia such as Kamloops, Kelowna, and Penticton can have higher average high temperatures in June, around 24 °C (75 °F) to 30 °C (86 °F).
  • The northern regions of British Columbia such as Fort Nelson and Fort St. John can have cooler June temperatures with average highs around 17 °C (63 °F) to 21 °C (70 °F).

In general, British Columbia has comfortable temperatures in June, making it a popular month for outdoor activities such as hiking, camping, and exploring the beautiful scenery. Keep in mind that British Columbia’s weather can be unpredictable, so it’s always a good idea to be prepared for the unexpected.

With this knowledge about the average temperature in June in British Columbia, you can plan your summer trip with ease.

Rainfall in British Columbia during June

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June marks the beginning of summer in British Columbia, and for many, it’s the best time of year to visit this province. However, the weather in BC can be unpredictable, and many tourists often wonder about the rainfall during June.

Rainfall in British Columbia varies depending on the location. The coastal regions in the western part of the province have a higher chance of rain than the interior regions. On average, the province receives about 65 mm of precipitation during the month of June.

Here is a breakdown of the average rainfall for some of the popular cities in British Columbia during June:

CityAverage Rainfall (mm)
Prince George44

While the rainfall may be a concern for many travelers, it’s important to note that the showers usually don’t last very long. It’s not uncommon to experience a quick shower in the morning or evening, followed by sunny skies for the rest of the day.

It’s always a good idea to pack rain gear, just in case. A light raincoat or umbrella can come in handy during your trip. Additionally, many tourist hotspots in British Columbia are indoors, so you can still enjoy the province’s attractions even on a rainy day.

Overall, British Columbia’s June weather tends to be mild and pleasant, with occasional rain showers. As long as you pack appropriately, you can still have a great time exploring this stunning province during this time of year.

Sunshine Hours in June in British Columbia

June marks the beginning of warmer temperatures in British Columbia, and it’s the time of year when the province starts experiencing more daylight hours. In general, June sees an average of 15 hours of daylight in British Columbia, which is a significant increase from May’s average of 14 hours.

Apart from having longer days, June is also the time of year when the province sees a significant increase in sunshine hours. The number of sunshine hours varies by location, but in general, British Columbia sees an average of 8-9 hours of sunshine per day in June.

Here is a table showing the number of sunshine hours in June for select cities in British Columbia:

CitySunshine Hours in June
Prince George11

It’s important to note that while the number of sunshine hours in June is generally high, there can be significant regional variations. Coastal areas such as Tofino on Vancouver Island tend to experience more cloudy and rainy days, which can bring down the average number of sunshine hours.

On the other hand, cities located in the interior of British Columbia, such as Kelowna and Kamloops, tend to have more consistently sunny weather, which can lead to higher average sunshine hours.

Overall, June is a fantastic time to visit British Columbia if you’re looking for plenty of sunshine and long days. Whether you’re exploring the forests and mountains or enjoying the beaches and lakes, you’re sure to have a great time in this beautiful province.

Best Activities & Events in British Columbia During June

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With the warmer weather settling in, June is the perfect time to venture out and explore the beautiful province of British Columbia. From outdoor adventures to cultural experiences, there’s no shortage of activities and events to enjoy during this month.

Here are some of the best activities and events you can participate in while visiting British Columbia in June:

  • Whale watching: June is one of the best months for whale watching in British Columbia. Head to Victoria or Tofino and witness gray, humpback, and even killer whales in their natural habitats.
  • Outdoor festivals: British Columbia hosts a number of outdoor festivals in June, including the Victoria and Vancouver International Jazz Festival and the Kaslo Jazz Etc Summer Music Festival. Enjoy music, food, and drinks while soaking up the sun.
  • Hiking: Take advantage of the warmer weather and go hiking in one of British Columbia’s many beautiful parks. Try the West Coast Trail, the Juan de Fuca Trail, or the Berg Lake Trail for stunning scenery.
  • Fishing: June is an excellent time for fishing in British Columbia, with trout, salmon, and halibut as popular catches. Consider booking a charter or going on a guided fishing tour.
  • Indigenous cultural experiences: British Columbia is home to many indigenous communities, and June is an excellent time to learn about their cultures and traditions. Attend the National Indigenous Peoples Day celebrations on June 21st, or visit the First Peoples’ Cultural Council for immersive experiences.

As you can see, June is a fantastic time to visit British Columbia, with plenty of activities and events to suit your interests. Make sure you plan your trip ahead of time to ensure you don’t miss out on any of the fun!

What to Pack for a Trip to British Columbia in June

June is a great time to explore British Columbia. If you’re planning a trip to this beautiful province in Canada, you’ll need to pack the right gear to make the most of your experience. Here’s a breakdown of what to pack for a trip to British Columbia in June.


The weather in British Columbia in June can be unpredictable, so it’s important to pack a variety of clothing options. Here are some suggestions:

  • Lightweight, breathable clothing for warm days
  • Long-sleeved shirts and sweaters for cool evenings
  • Rain gear, including a waterproof jacket and pants, as well as a hat and waterproof footwear
  • Hiking shoes or boots for exploring the great outdoors
  • Swimsuit and towel if you plan on swimming or visiting the beaches


In addition to clothing, don’t forget to pack these essential accessories:

  • Sunscreen, sunglasses, and a hat to protect you from the sun’s rays
  • Insect repellent to keep bugs at bay
  • A reusable water bottle to stay hydrated while exploring
  • Binoculars for wildlife watching
  • Camera to capture the stunning scenery

Other Items

Here are some other items to consider packing for your trip:

  • Passport and travel documents if you’re visiting from outside Canada
  • Cash and credit cards for expenses
  • Medications and any necessary prescriptions
  • Electronics and chargers, such as phones, laptops, and cameras
  • First aid kit for emergencies
  • Maps and guidebooks to help you navigate the province

By keeping these items in mind, you’ll be well-prepared for your trip to British Columbia in June. Remember to pack light, so you have plenty of room to bring back any souvenirs or treasures you may find along your journey.

Photo by Kyrylyuk

June weather across British Columbia generally varies depending on the destination. In general, the coast tends to be milder compared to the interior, and the higher you go, the cooler it gets. Here’s a breakdown of what you can expect in popular destinations across the province:


Victoria is known for its mild and comfortable summers, with temperatures around 22°C (72°F) during the day and around 12°C (54°F) at night. Rain is common, but June tends to be less rainy than other months.


June is usually the start of the summer season in Vancouver, with temperatures averaging around 16°C to 20°C (60°F to 68°F). Rain is common, so it’s always a good idea to bring a light jacket or umbrella.


Whistler is a popular destination all year round, but June marks the start of its summer season. Temperatures range from 10°C to 22°C (50°F to 72°F), with occasional rain showers. The evenings tend to be cooler, so it’s always a good idea to bring a light jacket.

Okanagan Valley

The Okanagan Valley is known for its hot summers and mild winters, with June temperatures ranging around 25°C to 28°C (77°F to 82°F). Rain is rare, so you can enjoy clear and sunny skies during your visit.


Kamloops tends to be drier than other destinations in British Columbia, with sunny and warm weather. June temperatures can reach up to 27°C (80°F), with very little rainfall compared to other destinations.


Tofino is a popular destination for surfers and beach-goers, but it’s important to note that the weather can be quite unpredictable. June temperatures range from 10°C to 16°C (50°F to 61°F), and rain is common. Bring warm and waterproof gear if you plan to visit Tofino during this period.

Northern British Columbia

Northern British Columbia tends to be cooler than other destinations, with temperatures ranging from 15°C to 20°C (59°F to 68°F) in June. Rain is common, but visitors can still enjoy the beautiful landscapes and outdoor activities.

Overall, June is a great time to visit British Columbia, with warm weather in most destinations across the province. Be sure to pack appropriately for the season and destination, and don’t forget your rain gear just in case!

How to stay safe during British Columbia weather in June

While June weather in British Columbia can be pleasant, it’s essential to stay safe to avoid unexpected dangers. Follow these tips to stay safe during British Columbia weather in June:

  • Check the weather forecast before heading out: Keep an eye on the local weather forecast and plan accordingly. Canadian weather can be unpredictable, so stay updated and plan for unexpected weather.
  • Wear appropriate clothing: Dress appropriately for the weather. Temperatures can vary from day to night, so layer up for warmth, and always bring a rain jacket as it can rain at any time.
  • Stay hydrated: The hot and dry weather can increase the risk of dehydration, so make sure you drink plenty of water, especially during physical activities.
  • Protect yourself from the sun: The sun in British Columbia can be ferocious, especially during summer months. Use sunblock with a high SPF, wear a hat and sunglasses and seek shade whenever possible.
  • Beware of wildlife: British Columbia is home to various wildlife, including bears and cougars, which may be active during summer months. Make noise when walking in the forest, keep your distance and store food and waste securely.
  • Be cautious near water bodies: British Columbia’s lakes, rivers, and beaches are inviting but can be dangerous, especially during flash floods and rapid changes in water levels. Wear a life jacket while boating and swimming, and avoid playing near dangerous water areas.
  • Know the emergency numbers: Besides checking the weather forecast, ensure you have local emergency numbers on hand, including the ambulance, fire department, and police.

By following these tips, you can stay prepared and safe, whether you are a resident or a visitor enjoying British Columbia’s stunning natural beauty.

Tips for Travelling BC in June

Are you planning a trip to British Columbia in June? The province is one of the most beautiful places to visit in Canada, but you should be prepared for the varied weather conditions you may encounter during your trip.

Here are some tips to help you plan your trip and make the most of your time in British Columbia in June:

1. Consider the weather conditions

June is often considered the start of summer in British Columbia, but that doesn’t mean the weather is always warm. In fact, the weather can be quite mixed, with some days being sunny and warm and others being rainy and cool. Make sure to check the weather forecast for the areas you plan to visit and pack accordingly. Dressing in layers is a great approach to accommodate changing temperatures.

2. Pack for outdoor activities

British Columbia is renowned for its natural beauty, and June is a great time to explore the outdoors. Make sure to pack appropriate gear for any activities you plan to undertake, such as hiking, camping, or fishing. Bring comfortable waterproof footwear, rain jackets, and any other necessary equipment.

3. Check for events and festivals

British Columbia has many great events and festivals that take place in June. Whether you’re interested in sports, music, arts, or food, you’re sure to find something that interests you. Be sure to check for events and festivals that are happening during your trip and plan to attend any that catch your eye.

4. Book accommodations in advance

June is a popular time to visit British Columbia, so it’s a good idea to book your accommodations in advance. This is especially important if you plan to visit popular tourist destinations or attend events and festivals. There are plenty of accommodation options available, so be sure to book early to ensure you get the best choice.

5. Rent a car or plan your transportation

Getting around British Columbia can be challenging, especially if you plan to visit multiple destinations. Renting a car is a great option if you want to explore the province at your own pace. Alternatively, you can plan your transportation in advance by using public transportation or booking tours.

Enjoy Your June Trip to British Columbia

Overall, June is a great time to visit British Columbia if you enjoy mild weather and outdoor activities. You can expect warm temperatures during the day and cool nights, making it comfortable to explore the province’s stunning natural beauty.

If you’re planning to visit popular destinations like Vancouver or Victoria, be prepared for larger crowds and higher accommodation prices. However, there are many lesser-known areas to explore in British Columbia that offer a more secluded experience.

Overall, visiting British Columbia in June can be a great experience for those looking for outdoor adventures and scenic beauty. Just remember to check the weather forecast before you go and pack accordingly.

Featured Image Credit: AlbertArt